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  2. Get a week of free access now to Multiplayer and Zombies including maps like Nuketown Holiday, Terminus, and Liberty Falls, and modes like Prop Hunt. 🔥 Plus, to make this even sweeter they're firing up 2XP, 2WXP, 2BPXP, & 2X GobbleGum earn rate all weekend long starting NOW. 📈 ➡️ More information: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2933620/Call_of_Duty_Black_Ops_6/
  3. Earlier
  4. Yes, I had thought about it too. To create a private server obviously paying the source. But I've never been able to have direct contact.
  5. Hi, is there any news for the European server? I've always wanted to reopen a server in Europe but I've never been able to contact the developers. Like other games, isn't it possible to buy the license to use it?
  6. Oh man, was playing Black Ops 6 this past few days and remembered Operation 7 EU server. Those were good times 🥲 Used to play since maybe 2010. I probably saw the Industry map in my dreams back then haha.
  7. Hey oberOffizer , im an old player of OP7 i just want to know if is there a chance of knowing my old acc in op7 my nick name was something Ha{R}d-Sc{O}RE
  8. 🇧🇷 Olá sou o crvg_gabrieel um brasileiro que não só ama o mega zombie beta 🎮 mais sim a Park Esm e o Operation 7. Fico triste pela empresa não atualizar a mais de dois anos ( sou jogador desde 2022) e de vez em quando eu jogo ele o único modo que eu jogo é o lms, tsv e as vezes modo sad com meus amigos brasileiros/portugueses Eu queria saber já como que você é um staff se por acaso a park Esm vai atualizar o mega zombie 🎮 Ps4/PS5 Esse jogo é muito bom o problema é que ele está ficando cada vez mais morto ou seja cada meses o dias que se passa tem modos aí que estão extremamente com zero ou com duas pessoas o exemplo isso é o modo sad e o modo lms não estão mais enchendo de pessoas raramente chega aos seis players. Eu sei que este site é apenas do operation 7 Europa. Mas eu queria que existisse a mesma coisa no Operation no Mega Zombie um fórum exclusivamente para o mega Zombie beta🎮 seria uma pessoa muito legal até porque o mega Zombie querendo ou não é uma estratégia que nem um operation 7 são os mesmos modos porém uma versão 3D e outra versão 2D. Caso queira conversar comigo meu Discord é: Salmon7272, Instagram spfc_yurigabriel PSN: crvg_gabrieel Obrigado pela equipe que me responderem com carinho ☺️
  9. Seit schnell & joint :D
  10. Das wird nicht möglich sein. Du musst in den sauren Apfel beißen und dir einen Latino Account machen 😌
  11. Is it possible to get the old account back or to just log in with the old account fom eu?
  12. that sounds promising
  13. I’ve had this idea on my mind for over two years now, ever since the EU servers for Operation7 were shut down. To be clear, I’ve been considering creating a modded client for the game that could expand its content by adding new maps, weapons, and fixing long-standing issues, such as dealing with cheaters. One of my key goals is to implement a more robust anti-cheat system, ensuring players can enjoy the game without disruptions. The main question I’d like to ask is does anyone know how to contact the original game developers to discuss this idea Since the project would involve a "modded" client, it wouldn't directly support the developers and at the same time get to know about the game engine and see if there’s any workarounds to see if it’s achievable or not there should be a way to revive this cause I can’t let it go like this
  14. Moin und schon alles in Gange bekommen? Kenne deinen Name auch noch von UNB. LG Atze16816/-Exorbitant- (MFEART3RR0R)
  15. I didn't even see this forum! I'm so proud to remember the old times att ifactoryx <3
  16. FreeZy

    Suche Leute zum Zocken

    Moin, also ich erinnere mich auf jeden Fall an deinen Namen in den Lobbies damals. Es ist aber auch gute 14 Jahre her. Ich habe gerade das Forum hier gefunden, würde es auch echt gerne mal wieder spielen, bin momentan am Installieren, Anmelden etc. melde mich sollte ich es zum Laufen bringen. Schließe mich dir an: Falls sich jemand an die alten Zeiten erinnert, gerne schreiben. Mein Name war: iTz-FreeZy / xFury Clans: HCUDO / UNBELiEV4BLE / TKTv2 LG
  17. https://discord.gg/H4Cy2RAQ2J tritt gerne mal dem discord bei
  18. jo moin spielst du noch latino ???


    1. xEmporer


      xDiioR adde mich da einfach bin eig daily online 


  19. moin leute, hab die latino version jetzt mehrere male ausprobiert bin immer sofort gesperrt ich würd das game soooo gerne nochmal spielen falls sich jemand an die alten zeiten errinert ich stamme aus dem Clan V.I.P name war xEmporer schreibt gerne wenn ihr tipps zum spielen habt lg
  20. 30.06.2024. Download the game, register on softnyx, select spain to be the region... install the game, download all 3 vpn-s...i try to sellect spain or USA, and account banned... Why?? Because all 3 VPN-s wants subscripsion, wants money.. NO FREE TRYAL to see if it worth to buy it. another solution??
  21. Vielen dank, es lag am Ende daran das ich OkayFreedom nicht aktuell hatte. Als Tipp direkt von der Seite Downloaden. Liebe Grüße :)
  22. I have 2 pcs a laptop windows 11 and tower gateway windows 8. The windows 11 has the windows antivirus and no luck and the gateway 8 says the download failed . I’ve tried every way possible to play . Help please
  23. Hey I get the same problem of the update re update situation . I turned antivirus I’ve created paths for it not to read the certain updates and no luck what so ever been wanting to play been trying everything I have urban vpn as well no luck
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